Thursday, October 15, 2009

Feedback Time!

Alright girls, it’s been about 6 months since I started this blog (which I cannot believe…My how time flies!) and it’s time for some feedback!

If you’re a regular reader of this blog (moms included!) I would love to know your thoughts on the following:

-Have you been helped/encouraged by the posts?
-What’s been the most helpful?
-What would you like to see more of? Feel free to give specific topics!

I’m asking this so I can better serve you, so please be honest!

Please take a few minutes to e-mail me your thoughts at:

Thank you!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Learn to Look Out

Here's some more incite from Elizabeth George...

"Do you know the story in the Bible of the shepherd who had 100 sheep and discovered that one was missing (Luke 15:1-7)? Well, what amazes me is that the shepherd dropped everything and went looking for that one sheep. And what amazes me even more is that that's the way God cares for you and me. And here's something else that's amazing-- God expects you and I to care for others in the same way! So here are a few tips on learning to look out!

- Develop a "bountiful eye"-- The Bible says that "Whoever has a bountiful eye will be blessed" (Proverbs 22:9). I think of a bountiful eye as being like the eyes of the Lord, which "run" and "range" throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to Him. So here's what I do. Whenever I go out in public, I intentionally look for wounded sheep. And believe me, they are everywhere! When you find someone in need...then what?

- Be direct-- I've had to learn (yes, learn!) to be direct and to reach out to hurting people. It's not always easy, but it's the right thing to do."

Have you had a "bountiful eye" lately? In what ways can you be on the look out for wounded sheep?

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Learn to Reach Out

As we begin to talk about serving, here are a couple points shared by Elizabeth George:

Be a giver- The Bible says, “Do not withhold good from those whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it” (Proverbs 3:27).

Be bold- By this I mean, when God puts someone in your path who is suffering or hurting, don’t think, “I’ve got to go find someone to help her.” No, you be bold. Find out what the need is. Maybe all they need is a shoulder to cry on or someone to pray with! That person can be you!

Be generous- And by this I mean not only with money and praise, but with praise, encouragement, thanks, a greeting, kindness, and good deeds works. You and I can choose to give these tiny blessings that cost so little and mean so much others.

One great way we can serve others is through encouragement. Who do you know in need of encouragement today? Anyone can be encouraged! Share how you see your friend growing in their relationship with the Lord. How can you encourage your parents or siblings? Is there a mom in your church you admire for her example of biblical womanhood in your life? It can be as easy as sharing a scripture verse with someone. We should always be thinking of ways to encourage and uplift the souls of others!

Ephesians 4: 29- “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is building up, as it fits the occasions, that it may give grace to those who hear.”

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

A Heart That Serves

“Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58)

God has uniquely gifted us in various ways. We read in 2 Peter 1:3 that “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness, through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence.” And in 1 Corinthians 12:7 we read about how God has gifted us spiritually to serve others in the church. God has given us everything we need in life and we are to use these gifts for His glory (1 Cor. 10:31).

Over the next few days we’re going to talk about various ways we can serve one another.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Forgiving for Jesus' Sake

“I say to the glory of God and in utter humility that whenever I see myself before God and realize even something of what my blessed Lord has done for me, I am ready to forgive anybody anything.” –D. Martyn Loyd Jones

“It is shallow nonsense to say that God forgives us because He is love…. The love of God means Calvary—nothing less; the love of God is spelt on the cross, and nowhere else. The only ground on which God can forgive me is the cross of my Lord.” –Oswald Chambers

Nancy Leigh DeMoss follows up by saying:

“We tend to forget that. We somehow have the idea that God has forgiven us purely out of His kindness, just because He wanted to. Forgiveness is sort of what we would expect from a God who wouldn’t mind going out of His way to be extra nice to us. But it makes a huge difference when we realize the ground on which our forgiveness was procured. If we are to forgive others as God has forgiven us. Calvary required and agony we cannot fully comprehend. On the cross, Jesus took our sin upon Himself, enduring the wrenching consequence of broken fellowship with the Father—the one He adored, the One from whom He had never experienced a moment of separation. That is impossible for us to fully grasp. We can at best only imagine what the Father and Son must have endured when, for the first time ever, the cost of our sin interrupted their eternal fellowship.”

-How well does your life reflect the forgiving heart of God toward sinners?
-Do non-believers see the gospel in you by the way you respond to those who wrong you?

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

The Promise of Forgiveness

“I know just enough about computers, as they say to be dangerous. But one thing I’ve learned the hard way is the meaning of that little button that’s spelled D-E-L. That’s right. The delete key. (I’m guessing you know about that one yourself.) Like you, I can think of times when I was working away at something on my computer and accidentally pressed the delete button, only to watch all my hard work vanish into thin air, leaving behind nothing but a blank screen of forgotten words. I wish the delete key was so easy to press in real life. In many ways, what happens when we trash a computer document is a picture of what takes place when we truly forgive someone who has wronged us. We clear their record. We wipe out their debt. Isn’t that the way God has forgiven us? All of our sin, deleted. Forever. All because of Christ’s death on the cross—in our place. Dept cancelled.” -Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Do you have a situation where forgiveness seems impossible? Perhaps you’re thinking, “I just can’t forgive this person for what he or she has done to me. It’s too painful to deal with? They’ve done it too many times?

I would never begin to deny the “deeply hurt” part, but we must remember the magnitude of our own sin and how many times God has forgiven us. Though we’ve sinned against Him countless times, He is still a God of compassion, love, kindness, meekness, and humility. His mercies are new every morning!

C.S. Lewis writes, “To be a Christians means to forgive the inexcusable, because God has forgiven the inexcusable in us.”

Remeber that even when you don’t see the results of forgiveness, you can still know you’ve done what God requires of you!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Walking Wounded

“We talk glibly about forgiving when we have never been injured; when we are injured we know that it is not possible, apart from God’s grace, for one human being to forgive another.” -Oswald Chambers

In her book “Choosing Forgiveness” Nancy Leigh DeMoss states, “I’ve come to believe that, whether they realize it or not, unforgiveness is, in fact, a very real issue for most people. Almost everyone has someone (or ones) they haven’t forgiven. Whenever I have spoken on this subject, after defining and describing forgiveness from a biblical perspective, I have asked the audience the question: ‘ how many of you would be honest enough to admit that there is a root bitterness in your heart that there are one or more people in your life-past or present that you’ve never forgiven?’”

It is stated very clear in scripture that we are to forgive one another just as Christ forgave us of our sins and by dieing on the cross…

Colossians 3:12-13-“Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience, bearing with one another and, if one has a complaint against another, forgiving each other; as the Lord has forgiven you, so you also must forgive.”

Mark 11:25-“And whenever you stand praying, forgive, if you have anything against anyone, so that you Father also who is in heaven may forgive your trespasses.”

“Anything against anyone.” That pretty much covers the bases. Doesn’t it? No offence is too great; no offender is beyond the boundary to which our forgiveness must extend. Our fellowship with God requires it and depends on it. So if we as believers persist in unforgiveness, our hearts are forced to wrestle with the fact that our actions amount to disobedience. The pathway of resentment and retaliation-God calls us to the pure, powerful, choice of forgiveness- and to pursue, wherever possible, the pathway of restoration and reconciliation. The outcome of our lives in not determined by what happens to us but by how we respond to what happens to us.”

When don’t choose to forgive others; sin will begin to well up in our hearts. Let’s remember that God sees our heart every second of our lives and He is the one we will be accountable to when He returns. Just as Christ forgave us, let us also forgive one another!

Here are a few questions that I've asked myself before and then apply to my own life…

1. Is there a person or circumstance you have blamed for the way your life has turned out?

2. Is there someone who has wronged you that you’re still trying to make pay for their offence?

3. Can you think of a situation where you retaliated or became resentful, rather than forgiving someone who hurt you?

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Post Coming Soon

I haven't forgotten about you! Starting next week posting will resume. =)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Bon Voyage (Just for Five Weeks)

I will be leaving to go out of town for five weeks tomorrow. This coming week I’ll be attending the Sovereign Grace Worship Conference then I come home to re-pack to leave for four weeks to go out West with my family. Please be praying for traveling mercies and that the Lord would meet us in a powerful way at the Worship Conference! I will resume posting when I return home.

Feel free to check out my other blog for updates while I’m gone!

Daughter of Delight

As, always you’re in my prayers!

The Fifth Tip: Plan to Depend

The fifth tip from the book “Shopping for Time” is on productivity. We’ve taken some time over the past couple weeks to consider some of our weaknesses and strengths when it comes to time management. Now it’s time to be productive! Find someone to help you make a schedule and prayerfully consider (with the approval of your parents) what are some things you need to add to your daily schedule and what are some things you need to take away. I pray this little series has been helpful and encouraging to you!

Ephesians 5:15-16- "Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil."

Friday, July 31, 2009

The Fourth Tip: Consider People

As girls, we are by nature, relational characters. Our world is primarily centered around our family and friends. Yet, we are often passive and receptive than we are intentional and purposeful in our relationships. We may allow people to drift in and out of our lives. We don’t usually stop to consider why we pursue a certain friendship or neglect another. Emotions and feelings often dictate the way we go about relationships.

Let's ask, "Do our relationships—the time we spend with our family and the friends we pursue—bring glory to God?"

Maybe you’re wondering, “How do I go about evaluating my relationships? What criteria do I use?” Thankfully, once again God’s Word provides clarity. We are exhorted to be intentional. Proverbs 12:26 tells us that: “The righteous should choose his friends carefully” (NKJV). So what kind of friends should we choose? Let’s briefly fly over Scripture to discover which friends (in addition to family, of course) should be on our list.

Note: All the following tips and descriptions were collected from the book “Shopping for Time.”

1. Friends who sharpen.
Our idea of a first-rate friend might be someone who’s easy to get along with, laughs at the same movie lines, shares our opinions on fashion and food, can finish our sentences, sticks by us in the rough going, and is free to hang out on a Friday night. Those are all great things, but in Scripture there is a friend quality of much greater value. Actually, it’s one we can’t afford to do without. The best kind of friend, according to Proverbs 27:17, is one who sharpens us as “iron sharpens iron” (NKJV). We need to have at least one—and preferably many—friends who inspire us to serve, provoke us to love, help us grow in godliness, correct us, strengthen our faith, and spur us on to passion for the Savior. So do any “sharpening” friends appear on your friends list? If not, we need to find some—and fast!

2. Friends who mentor.
As young women, we should ask ourselves: “Do I have a friend from whom I am learning some aspect of biblical womanhood?” If you have a godly mom, she’s to be your mentor. For the rest of us younger women, lets ask a mature woman in our church to teach us what she know about caring for the home, or glorifying God in the workplace, or walking in purity. A friend who mentors us deserves a prominent spot on our relationship list. Read through Titus 2:3-5 to get a better understanding

3. Friends who need friends.
It’s so easy, isn’t it, to get comfortable with our close friends, the gang, the group—dare we say it, the clique? While long time friends are a significant blessing from the Lord, we are also called to reach out to the new person. “Let brotherly love continue. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers” exhorts Hebrews 13:1-2. Remember what it was like when you were new? To see other women chatting excitedly and to have no one to talk to? So let’s take a look around us: “Who is one new friend I should add to my list? And how can I reach out to her?”

4. Friends who need Salvation.
One of the ways we can make the best use of our time is by wise conduct around unbelievers. Often it is very easy for us to get consumed by our school, our work, or our responsibilities at home that we neglect the responsibility of evangelism. “Walk in wisdom toward others, making the best use of the time. Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.” (Colossians 4:5-6)

The Third Tip: Sit and Plan

Have you ever sat down and listed out your priorities? In this chapter from the book “Shopping for Time” the ladies offer some biblical counsel on the order our priorities should be set. Although your list may look slightly different, it’s important that your priorities come from God’s Word and not personal preferences. We should all have similar priorities stemming from our identity as Christian women, even though we may use other words of categories to describe them. As you walk through each season of life, there may be a few that you won’t be able to give as much attention to. What’s great about high school and single years is that (most of the time) we have more freedom to do some of the things I’m going to mention. When I say freedom, I’m simply talking about not being married or raising children. We are most certainly still to be submissive to our parents and honor their requests in the ways we spend our time.

So, here is the list. Take some time to look over it and think about how you’ve been doing with prioritizing your life.

-Grow in godliness. “While bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.” (1 Timothy 4:8)
-Love my family. A woman’s main concern should be to love her family—Even as a young woman. Now is the time to prepare to be a wife and mother (Titus 2:4).
-Serve in the church. “As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God’s varied grace.” (1 Peter 4:10)
-Fellowship with Christians. “As we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all our sin.” (1 John 1:7)
-Evangelize non-Christians. “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation” (Mark 16:15)…. “Let each one who has received grace reach one who needs grace” –Steve Whitacre
-Attend to my work. “Work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men” (Colossians 3:23)
-Care for my physical health. “Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body.” (1 Corinthians 6:19-20)

Application Questions:

Does my life reflect one of the World? Or am I striving to glorify God in everything I do? Do others see a heart reflecting the love of Christ in me? What is one area God is calling me to grow in godliness?

Thursday, July 30, 2009

The Second Tip: Sit Still

“What happens when we sit at Jesus’ feet and listen to His voice? First, pause a moment and consider the stunning implication of this question. Because of His death on the cross for our sins, we have the privilege to sit at the feet of the Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of Peace and to listen to Him (Isaiah 9:6).

As if it weren’t enough to bask in His presence, it is here that we receive grace to make the best use of out time. When we seek God through His Word and prayer, we glean wisdom for walking carefully. We obtain guidance for daily decisions. We find peace in the midst of life’s whirlwind. We are infused with strength to complete our tasks.

Wisdom. Guidance. Peace. Strength. We can’t successfully shop for time without them. And we’ll only find these essentials by sitting at Jesus’ feet. We certainly can’t manufacture them on our own.”

How has your devotional life been looking these days? Is it a joy and delight to sit at the Lord’s feet or do you view devotions as a chore? If you consider devotions as a chore, let me encourage you to ask the Lord to change your heart. If it’s your desire to grow in holiness then I can guarantee that the Lord (can) and will change your heart. The Bible say’s “Ask and you shall receive.” Take some time today to ask the Lord to change your heart!

Friday, July 24, 2009

The First Tip: Rise Early Pt. 2

Although I’m aware that as young ladies you probably don’t have many things to cater to in the morning such as getting up with happy little children (most of the time happy ;), cooking breakfast, getting your hubby’s lunch ready/sending him out the door for work, getting that first load of laundry started, etc. No, these things most likely aren’t taking up your attention in the morning. But, as I have learned and have experienced way too many times, there are many days when the alarm clock starts blaring oh so loudly that I’ll say, “This morning I’m tired so I’ll do my devotions during--------.” And sadly, I’ll get wrapped up into the many tasks a day can bring and completely forget about spending time with the Lord, and let me tell ya, most of the time you can tell by my attitude if I haven’t spent some precious time sitting at the Lord’s feet learning from Him (It’s not a good one!).

So, with that said, I am coming to you as a sister in Christ who has learned the hard way many times. I’m FULLY aware that getting out of bed in the morning is not always fun. Not only have I experienced much refreshment in my soul during my times with the Lord in the morning, but rising early has provided a little extra time to get a few things done that are difficult to do once a busy day is underway. Sometimes I even remember to eat breakfast :).

It takes hard work to get into a normal morning schedule. I have found that waking up at the same time every morning makes it much easier to get up if I’m not waking up at different times. Don’t forget to find an accountability partner to ask you how you’re doing (Mom’s are great!). The shopping for time ladies have once again provided some very helpful tips that I’ve turned to numerous times when it comes to rising early. I hope you find them helpful and be sure to try them out!

1. Set your alarm clock in a strategic location, preferably on the other side of the room from your bed.
2. Set your alarm for the same time every day.
3. Never, never, never hit the snooze button or lie back down to catch a few more winks. The second your alarm clock goes off is the most critical moment in rising early.
4. Proceed directly to the coffee pot or caffeinated drink of choice.
5. Be prepared to feel absolutely miserable for about ten to fifteen minutes. But the misery soon turns into pure gladness as you experience the delight of meeting with God and reap the benefits the rest of the day. Fifteen minutes of misery is certainly worth fifteen-plus hours of peace and productivity.
6. Remember, that our bodies eventually respond to a standard wake-up time. In other words, it gets easier.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The First Tip: Rise Early Pt. 1

Rising early is one of the most crucial things when it comes to time management. Why, you ask? Well, when we rise early time is provided to do things that you normally can’t do during the busyness of our days. Spending time with the Lord first thing in the morning helps us start our days off with our minds indulged in the word and our souls refreshed. Maybe you’re thinking “But why do I have to get up early to meet with God? What’s wrong with the afternoon or evening?”

The Shopping for Time writers answer this question:

They say, “Nothing. There is no law in the Bible that dictates when to have a quiet time. In fact, we are to meditate on God’s word day and night! However, there is biblical encouragement for rising early to seek the Savior. Consider the Psalmist who his prayer in the morning and then watches for an answer (Ps. 5:3). The Proverbs 31 woman is famous for rising “while it is yet night.” Finally, and most notably, Jesus Himself rose early to pray. Mark 1:35 records, “Rising early in the morning while it was still dark, [Jesus] departed and went out to a desolate place, and there He prayed’”

John Piper offers this advice, “I earnestly recommend that it be in the morning, unless there are some extenuating circumstances. Entering the day without a serious meeting with God, over his word and in prayer, is like entering the battle without tending to your weapons. The human heart does not replenish itself with sleep. The body does, but not the heart…We replenish our hearts not with sleep, but with the word of God and prayer.”

By rising early we can secure much needed refreshment for our souls.

Tomorrow we’ll cover pt. 2 on the importance of rising early.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

"Because the Days Are Evil"

“Every day we relate to a world full of sinners, each with their own unique temptations. Not to mention the reality of Satan’s attacks. But in truth we look no further than our very own hearts wherein sin still wages war. We live in a fallen world. In fact Matthew 6 reminds us that each day brings its own set of troubles. We are continually exposed to evil. Therefore, it is imperative that we choose only the best opportunities each season has to offer, because we never know what trouble is waiting for us today—or tomorrow. The reality of evil is not to produce fear but rather to inspire carefulness. It is to provoke us to live wisely—to encourage us to buy up the best deals in each and every season.”

So there you have it. Ephesians 5:15-16 offers us some wise counsel about how we should walk and what we should "look out" for. Starting tomorrow, we’ll begin to go through the five wonderful tips on becoming wise shoppers of time provided by Carolyn Mahaney and her daughters.

Stay tuned for…

1. Rise Early
2. Sit Still
3. Sit and plan
4. Consider people
5. Plan to depend

Monday, July 20, 2009

A Time for Every Season

“Think back five years ago. Wasn’t your life different from the way it is now? Maybe you weren’t even a Christian at that time? Even if you don’t feel as if your life is dramatically different, change has occurred. You’ve probably walked through relational changes, experienced physical changes, learned new skills, or developed new interests. Undoubtedly your life is different then the way it was five years ago. And the same will be true five years from now. That’s because our lives are made up of changing seasons.

Ecclesiastes 3:1- “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”

New seasons will be rolling in for the rest of our lives—each with their own unique joys and challenges. In fact, just about the time we adjust to our present season, it’s time to bring on a new one.

We must understand the reality of our changing seasons if we want to “look carefully how we walk” and “make the best use of our time,” for the best deals vary from season to season. Last year’s great bargain might be this year’s foolish purchase. And while we must walk with open eyes and make wise choices in each season, our comfort is this—God orders the seasons of our lives. Even the most difficult ones.”

Friday, July 17, 2009

Look Carefully How You Walk

Before we dive into the five tips on time management, I would like to spend a couple days studying the verse out of Ephesians that tells us how to become wise shoppers of time….Once again I am pulling a lot of helpful incite out of the book, “Shopping for Time.” If you haven’t had a chance to read this book, I highly recommend it! It isn’t just for your mom or older sister to read. It applies to you as well and you’ll be glad you read it!

Ephesians 5:15-16- "Look carefully then how you walk, not at unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil."

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise.”

First, let’s look at what this verse is commanding of us. “Look carefully” is a very clear and sobering command. This verse is telling us not to run through our days with no routines. We shouldn’t just let life happen and try to deal with the results, as they happen. We should not allow one day to simply flow into the next.

“We must develop keen eyes. We must evaluate our present manner of living and consider how to prepare for the future. We must walk circumspectly (to look around with caution) through each and every day.”

This verse is commanding us to look up and seek guidance from God’s Word. “This is how we are to be intentional, purposeful, and as this verse says, wise in the way we walk. Scripture makes it clear that there is no third option. We are either wise or unwise. Smart or foolish. And of course, none of us wants to be a fool!”

“Making the best use of the time”

The phrase “making the best,” means to “buy up, rescue from loss, or improve” the use of time. “This means choosing not to do a thousand other things. It means saying no to a lot of enticing options. Here’s where it gets tricky. Obviously we don’t want the ‘bad deals’ to keep us from what is truly valuable. We don’t want sinful pursuits to deter us from what is God glorifying. But, it’s often the good things such as a ministry opportunity, a relational pursuit, a money-making venture, a leisure activity, or a hobby that hinder us from making the best choices. It’s frequently these good things that distract us from the best things.”

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Shopping for Time

After much prayer and consideration, I would like to start going through five very helpful tips on time management provided from the book, “Shopping for Time” by Carolyn Mahaney and her daughters. But first, let’s talk about what it looks like to shop for time.

We don’t often manage the time God has granted us on this earth with the same intentionality or skill that we bring to shopping. Let’s think for a minute:

-Do you plan ahead to maximize your fruitfulness each day, or do you simply let life happen?
-Do you make choices based on scriptures or on what feels good at the moment?
-Do you strategize to use your talents to bless your family and church, or do your employ them for your own personal fulfillment?
-Do you evaluate in light of biblical priorities, or do you do whatever it takes to get ahead?
-Do you consider whom God would have you serve, or do you try to please everyone all the time?

“While we constantly—almost unconsciously– plan, evaluate strategize, and make wise choices when shopping, we often neglect to do so with the most important matters of our lives. As a result we often miss out on the best deals life has to offer and end up paying big time in guilt, anxiety, and a lack of confidence that we’re really doing the will of God.”

Why don’t you take some time to look over and answer the above questions? They were very challenging to me!

Check back tomorrow for more on shopping for time!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Posting will resume on Thursday...Sorry for the delay!

Thursday, July 2, 2009


Proverbs 14:1- “The wisest of women builds her house, but folly with her own hands tears it down.”

Proverbs 24:3-4- “By wisdom a house is built, and by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled with all precious and pleasant riches.”

Proverbs 31:27- “She looks well to the way of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness.”

Titus 2:3-5- “Older women likewise are to be reverent in behavior, not slanderers or slaves to much wine. They are to teach what is good, and so train the young women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled, pure, working at home, kind, and submissive to their own husbands so that the word of God may not be reviled.”

Like the instruction in Titus 2 said, women are to teach one another how to take care of their homes. So, if you need help, go get it. Ask for it. Whether that assistance comes from your mom or someone else, seek help in this vital area of being a woman after God’s own heart.

“Let me encourage each of you to embrace your mother’s domestic teaching. Allow her to probe your heart and direct your affection toward the home. And take it one step further. Appoint yourself as your mom’s homemaking assistant. In addition to your assigned chores, be on the lookout for practical ways you can shoulder more of her homemaking responsibilities. In doing so, you will not only receive vital training for your future mission, but you will honor God by expressing your femininity today.” –Carolyn Mahaney

In conclusion, let me leave you with these words from John Angell James:

“My young friends, let your constant aim, and at the same time your earnest prayer, that your may first of all understand your mission, and then fully prepare for it, and hereafter as successfully fulfill it.”

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Becoming Keeper's of The Home

“Girls often spend years of intensive study for other professions and yet are completely unprepared to assume the career of homemaking. Young women tend to assume that homemaking doesn’t require any advanced skills or preparation. It’s similar to what a sixth grader might think about a test concerning sixth grade material: What’s there to study? But the truth is that homemaking involves so much more than just cleaning a house. The commands to love, follow, and help a husband, to raise children for the glory of God, and to manage a home encompasses a vast responsibility. Homemaking requires an extremely diverse array of skills—everything from management abilities, to knowledge of health and nutrition, to interior decorating capabilities, to childhood maker, then you must study these subjects and many more. For the majority of you who may be married someday, you will be called to support a husband and together to lead and train your children in godliness. And your home is to be a place from which the gospel goes forth. So homemaking is a career that demands considerable expertise, may encompass decades of our lives, and has the potential to spread the gospel to our families, churches, and communities, and future generations. Now that’s a career preparing for, wouldn’t you say?” -Carolyn Mahaney

Girls, now is the time to take action! Learning to become a keeper of the home will not happen over night. So let’s consider some ways we can:

1. Ask your mom to help you. In fact, there is instruction in scripture out of Titus 2 that older women (your mom) are to train up the younger women (us), and our job as daughters is to receive their training and apply it to our lives.

2. Ask how you can help your mom? What are things she’s needing help with around the house (apart from your normal household chores)? Dinner prep, vacuuming, dusting, laundry? Help with your little siblings? Ask her if you can take on more tasks around the house! Don’t wait for her to ask you! Does she constantly have to be on your case about the state of your bedroom? If so, let me encourage you to plan some time every day to tidy it up! Over many years it has become a joy to help my mom with daily tasks. Anything from cooking with her to organizing/decorating an entire room. These are wonderful times to talk about anything!

Of course it is not wrong to study for another career, in addition to preparing for homemaking. However, the point is that we must not pursue another career to the neglect of training to be a homemaker. God has called us to be keepers of the home.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

My mom is a homemaker. I’ve grown up with a living model of someone who utilizes all her gifts and energy to create a home and care for her husband and children. Through scripture, many conversations, and helpful books, mom has helped me to see the noble calling of a homemaker and it’s affect on the world.

Dorothy Patterson elaborates, “Homemaking, if pursued with energy, imagination, and skills, has as much challenge and opportunity, success and failure, growth and expansion, perks and incentives, as any corporation, plus something no other position offers—working for people you love most and want to please the most!”

Through my mother’s example and training, I’ve caught a vision of the importance of my future mission. I know that whether or not I get married or have children, and no matter what other tasks the Lord might have for me, I want to fulfill my biblical calling of being a “keeper of the home.”

Are you catching God’s vision for you? Do you see the value of learning to care about the place where you live? Of learning to do what it takes to care for the place where you live? Take an inventory of your own heart attitude toward that precious place you call home. If you couldn’t care less about the looks of your special place, ask God to perform open-heart surgery in you. Ask Him to open it up and give you a heart that cares.

“I want to warn you that the world will not applaud you. Or worse, they may look down on you or criticize you. I guarantee you there won’t be awards given out for homemakers—at least not in this world. And we probably won’t see the effect right away. But our influence will surely outlast our lives.” –Nicole Whitcre

You don’t have to wait for a future day or time to get started on your mission. Tomorrow we’ll look at some ways to get started.

Today, why don’t you take some time to read through Proverbs 31:10-31 and maybe take some time after to talk about what you read with your mom? I’m sure she is ready and willing to talk! Keep in mind that this passage is not just directed to married women. There are many ways it applies to us!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Future Homemakers

I’m so sorry for my lack of posting last week. This is a very busy season for me. I will try my best to do better this week. Keep checking back. My heart is still eager and willing to serve you girls through this blog. I’m continually grateful for all your friendships.

Over the next couple weeks I’m going to share some thoughts on homemaking. To kick things off, here is a story by Nicole Whitacre out of the book, “girl talk” and a little of my story…

“As a young woman, I often lay in bed at night and wondered about my future. I stared hard into the darkness, as if God had put the answers there. I had a longing to do great things for God. I imagined myself as a missionary in another country, maybe even a nurse, (I assumed my tendency to faint at the sight of blood would not be a problem.) I had visions of speaking to crowds of women, leading many to the gospel. What I didn’t yet understand was that God’s plan for me was greater than what my imagination could compare up. It was also very different than what I thought."

How about you? What are your dreams and aspirations for your future? How do you answer the well-meaning adults who ask about your plans after high school?

I know while I was in high school I would have never imagined that I would be where I am today. (My plan) was graduating and going to school to be an interior decorator, getting married, having kids, and living happily ever after. (God’s plan) was putting the school to rest so I could serve my parents by working for them. No, that wasn’t necessarily what I “planned” but God, in His goodness, already had a plan that far exceeded mine. There have been many challenging obstacles to walk through, but I can say time and time again that God has been faithful through them all, and I am incredibly grateful for every difficult circumstance the Lord has placed in my life. Even though there have been many hardships (and LOTS of tears) to walk through along the way, each of those circumstances have been for my good and God’s glory. I wouldn’t go back and change a thing! I have lots of anticipation for what my future holds, but God has been merciful to teach me not to dwell or become anxious about my future, but to surrender it into His loving hands because He already has mapped out every single step. He’s taught me that He has many good things in store and that they will come in His perfect timing!

It may surprise you to know that God in the Bible has already given you a sneak peak into your future. As woman, we are all appointed to be keepers of the home (Proverbs 31:10-31; 1 Timothy 5:14; Titus 2:5). Someday you may be called to love a husband and bring up children and make a home for them. While you may pursue many other God-honoring tasks of occupations throughout your lifetime, you are also called to be a homemaker.

Check back tomorrow for more!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Cultivate a Hot Heart

Revelation 3:15-16- “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”

It’s pretty obvious, according to this scripture, which heart condition God considers the worst! And it gets even more serious as we think about these facts…

- To be coldhearted means to be unemotional, unconscious of God. Imagine being unemotional about the things of God!
- And to be lukewarm means to be indifferent. Imagine being indifferent toward God!
- We are to be hot-hearted. That means that the heat of your heart reaches a high temperature. That means boiling over! And such high heat is usually paired up with, emotion, excitement, and passion! It’s fiery!

Now, what is your heart’s desire…and your heart’s temperature toward God?

Do you need to be more faithful to set aside time each day to listen to God like Mary did to pray and read your Bible? This can and must be a first priority every day. That’s how we choose the one thing, the good part, that can never be taken away from us. As we choose to sit at the Lord’s feet regularly, we cease to act like Martha—too busy, too bossy, too distracted to listen to the Master and linger with Him and delight in Him.

Now, what will your choice be today, tomorrow, every day? I’m praying for you!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Choose God’s Ways at Every Opportunity

“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:6)

“Our part is to stop and acknowledge God along the way. God’s part is to direct our paths and make them straight. This means that we are to consult with God regarding our every decision, word, thought, and response. This means that before we move ahead or before we react to someone of something, we need to stop and pray first, ‘God, what would you have me do—think or say—here?’ Don’t you think that this stopping and consulting God before acting (and re-acting) like Martha did would help you and me to make the good, better, and best choices in the situations we confront each day? Don’t you think this habit would look more like Mary?” Elizabeth George

Monday, June 15, 2009

Yes, But How?

Maybe you’re wondering how you can move in the direction of having a heart devoted to God like Mary did. Over the next few days we’re going to consider some different ways that we can.

Choose to spend time with God-- How can you make time in your busy day for the most exciting, most fulfilling relationship in life? For listening to God? For spending time with Him?

Would you be willing to go on a bit of a fast each day, a time fast? Would you be willing to…

…say no to some time watching TV,
…say no to some time on the telephone,
…say no to some time with friends,
…say no to some time on the computer,
…say no to some time in the mall, in order to
…say yes to some time with God?

And now the question is, would you?

Friday, June 12, 2009

What Is a Heart Devoted to God?

"Because Mary was a woman after God’s own heart, her heart was devoted to Him. She was preoccupied with one thing at all times—Him! Mary was obsessed with the Lord. Therefore Mary consistently made one choice, one decision that caused Jesus to speak of her as He did. And what was that one choice? Mary chose to spend time hearing God through His word, and worshipping God in her heart. In other words, Mary chose to spend some of her precious time with the Lord.

Time spent in this way, is the kind of time that is never wasted and can never be taken away from you either (see verse 42). Why? Because it is time spent in eternal pursuits, time that result in both daily and everlasting blessings."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What Was Wrong?

“Martha was definitely out of control. And that led to her saying things she shouldn’t have said, to blaming others for her awful condition, to bossing everyone around (even Jesus!), to comparing the amount of work she was doing with the amount of work her sister was (or wasn’t!) doing, to complaining, to emoting….Well, I’m sure you get the picture.

But, what was wrong?

Let us once again read through Luke 10:38-14…

“38 Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” 41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42 but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

As we learn from these two sisters, we mustn’t miss the fact that both of them loved Jesus. Both loved out Lord, and both served Him. But in this scene there was a great difference in their behaviors, which revealed something about what was going on in their hearts at the time.

You see, Mary not only loved serving the Lord, but she loved listening to Him. I mean, the split second Jesus started talking, Mary stopped! Her service came to a screeching halt, and she stopped, set her serving dishes aside, and took a seat at Jesus’ feet. Why? So she could listen to Him—not just do for Him! After all, He had ‘The words of eternal life’” (John 6:68)

So our dear Mary demonstrated a heart devoted to God by hearing His words and by worshipping Him. She was obsessed with Jesus! And here’s another point we don’t want to miss. Surely Mary did her work. But Mary made sure her choices gained her the all-important time she needed to take care of devotion and commitment to God. Yes, hers was a devoted heart to God!"

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What Happened?

“What happened to put Martha over the edge? In a few words, Jesus and His disciples were coming to her house. Wow! Now that should have been the best day of Martha’s life! But Martha went into a tailspin. Why? Because Martha got too involved in the activities of her life—activities like…

serving Jesus and
working for Jesus.

And in all her serving and working, Martha failed to just…

stop and enjoy Jesus and
worship Him.

And how did Martha’s busyness and the neglect of her spiritual life show? You guessed it—she got nervous…fidgety…on edge…cranky. And then she fell apart and loss control. Not only was Martha stomping through her day but she was stomping through the kitchen, the dining room, and the family room. She even lashed out at her younger sister, Mary. And then (horror of horrors) she lashed out at Jesus!”

Does this sound anything like you? Sadly, I know I’ve had the attitude Martha had many times! Do you get too wrapped up in the busyness of life and forget to stop and take time to sit at the Lord’s feet?

Check back tomorrow for more!

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Heart Devoted to God

This week we’ll be talking about what it looks like to have a heart devoted to God. Out of her book, “A Young Woman After God Own Heart” Elizabeth George shares about the story of Martha. I pray her story encourages you! Most of what will be shared this week will be pulled from the chapter “A Heart devoted to God” out of Elizabeth George’s book “A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart.”

“Have you ever felt nervous…fidgety….on edge…..cranky? Sort of like your life was falling apart and you were losing control? And even though you knew it and didn’t want to act the way you were, you kept on stomping through your day, lashing out at anybody and everybody who crossed your path—you parents, your brother or sister, your friends? Well, my friend, you are not alone! This happened to a woman in the Bible—a woman just like you and me—who got too worked up. In fact, she was a wreck! Her name is Martha, and Martha was a friend of Jesus.”... To be continued tomorrow

Today, I would like to encourage you to open up your Bible and read Luke 10:38-42. After reading, ask yourself the questions, what did I learn from this passage? And How can I apply it to my life?

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Biblical Friend Loves

“A friend loves at all times” (Proverbs 17:17)

Today, I want to focus on loving our siblings. There are many ways we can show concern and demonstrate a heart of love when it comes to our family members. The following are a few ways you can grow in your relationships with your brothers and sisters, whether older or younger. Take some time to read through them, and then ask yourself if you’ve been actively pursuing relationships with your siblings in a biblical form.

Respect one another
—when you show respect for the territory, room, possessions, and privacy of another person your relationship with that person will grow tremendously.

Listen to one another—In any friendship, communication is key! You know how it is with a best friend—you could talk to them for hours…which means most of the time you are listening! Make it your goal to make better communication skills between your family members. Listening is a large part of communication. So reach out and get creative! Set up a regular coke date with your sibling. Talk, share, ask questions, catch up! And don’t be surprised if they come to you with their problems and ask you to please pray with them!

Share with one another
—When I say share with one another, I don’t mean clothes and things. Share with one another what God’s been doing in your life or things He’s laying on your heart. And while you’re at it, take time to share the truths and verses your learning from the Bible. You never know when the verse you passed on verbally or in a written note will be just what they needed to get through a rough day!

Pray for one another
—You simply cannot pray for your brothers and sisters enough! And remember, too, that when you pray for others, God changes your heart, gives you His love and wisdom, and many times moves in the hearts your praying for.

Encourage one another—Everyone can use encouragement! Yes, everyone can use a friendly word of encouragement from a sister who comes alongside them with cheerfulness. Everyone can use a “Way to go! Your doing great! Hang in there! I’m so glad you’re my sister!” And don’t forget to encourage one another in the Lord!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Biblical Friend Encourages

“But exhort one another everyday, as long as it is called ‘today’” (Hebrews 3:13)

When was the last time you made an effort to encourage one of your friends? Encouragement is something that lacks within many friendships and it’s also something that builds friendships.

The friendships I’ve been sharing about are not necessarily just friends from school, church, or the next door neighbor. There are a few other friendships that we should consider. How is your relationship with your mom and sisters? Would you call yourselves best friends? If your mom or older sister is a godly example in your life than these two people should most definitely be your best friends! Do you have a younger sister? I can guarantee that your little sister is dying to have some one on one time with big sis. When is the last time you hung out together? Are you setting a godly example for her? They are watching your every move!

Why not take some time today to consider ways you can encourage someone. Have you recently noticed an evidence of grace in one of your friend's life? Let's make a list of our friends and think of ways to encourage them. Now, I’m not talking about your best friend from kinder garden who you’ve barely talked to in ten years. Think about the friends in your life who have been means of grace to you! It doesn’t take long! Just send them a quick e-mail/note, give them a call, or even the next time you see them you can tell them in person! Make sure you don’t leave out the boys! Think of ways to encourage your dad, brothers, or maybe even a young man in the church (make sure you use discretion on this one. You may want to consider running your encouraging words by your mom or dad before. Simply because we want to be careful with our words when communicating to guys)

Ephesians 4:29- “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Friend Who Fears the Lord

In Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 God declares, “Two are better than one…For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” What is God teaching here? For one, He is teaching that friends are not optional! They are essential!

It’s not simply friends that are necessary to have, but godly friends. The Bible gets specific about what kind of friends we should have—and whom we should avoid.

***A biblical friend fears the Lord. “I am a companion of all who fear you, of those who keep your precepts. (Psalm 119:63)

The kind of friend that fears the Lord is one that realizes the consequences of sins. They have a fear of God in them and desire to bring Him glory in all things. A God fearing friend will also encourage you in your pursuit of fearing the Lord. Fear of man is something that hinders spiritual relationships from growing. If we’re fearing what other’s think of us, we’re most likely avoiding bringing observations of sin or being faithful to hold our friend accountable.

Recently on the blog “A Cup of Grace” (run by a few ladies from my church) they went through a series on being our sister’s keeper. A list of questions were provided that I found to be very helpful. Please read through them and evaluate your own life. Are you being faithful to be your sister’s keeper?

• Am I willing? Am I willing to be yoked together with others? Am I willing to help my sister’s in their struggles against sin? Am I willing to wash their feet?
• How can these truths affect your friendships with others and what will change look like?
• What typically hinders you from freely talking about your own sin and helping others with their sin, and how has this pattern negatively affected your relationships?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sorry For the Delay

Well, I thought I would be posting today, but it didn’t happen…I’ve been incredibly busy lately. This week we’re going to be looking at what it’s like to be a biblical friend. Lord willing there will be a post to read tomorrow titled, “A Biblical Friend Fears the Lord.”

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hi girls! Starting Monday, June 1st posting will resume. Sorry for the delay!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Short Break

Tomorrow afternoon my sister and I are heading up to Maryland to visit with some family and then attending a conference called “NEXT” (formerly known as New Attitude). I am very excited to what God has in store and can’t wait to hear the preaching! Please be praying that God will meet myself and all the others going to the conference in a mighty way!

I will not be posting on this blog while I’m away, but might post a picture or two on my other blog, so feel free to check it out!

Girls, know that you’re all on my heart and I’m praying for you! While taking a short break, please feel free to e-mail me with suggestions on what you’d like me to discuss once I return

Psalm 37:3-5- “Trust in the Lord, and do good; dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness. Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will act.”

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Submitting to Our Fathers

***Before we begin today, I want to strongly encourage you girls to listen to a message posted today on girl talk titled, “A Modest Heart” by Janelle Bradshaw. It’s about 30 minutes long…I was able to listen to it today while I was cleaning. What are you doing today? Turn up the speakers and listen to this excellent message!

I don’t know about you, but there have been many times that I’ve foolishly thought that cultivating a heart of a Proverbs 31 woman is going to happen immediately on the day I become a wife and mother. I have come to realize through many examples and teaching that cultivating this heart is something that takes a lot of practice! Though I’m still in a season of singleness and am not a wife or mother yet, I do believe that as a daughter I am called to be a portrait of some of the roles that the Proverbs 31 woman displayed. Not in the way I will serve and relate to my future husband or children, but in the ways I relate to my dad as his daughter.

The Bible teaches in Ephesians 5 that wives are to submit to their husbands, as to the Lord and in Ephesians 6 it teaches that children are to obey their parents in the Lord. I believe our call as daughters is to submit to our fathers and obey all that they ask of us until (Lord willing) they hand us off to our future husbands. Just as we are to obey the commandments that God has set out for His children, we are to submit to and obey our fathers. Carolyn Mahaney writes, “We read that the woman was created to be her husband’s helper; (Genesis 2:18) then in 1 Corinthians 11:9 Paul writes that man was not created for woman, but woman for man. In Titus 2 we find that the list of instructions for the younger woman begins and ends with their relationship to their husbands. Proverbs 31:12 states, “She does him good and not harm, all the days of her life. And you do not know what the Lord has planned for your future. Your doing good to your husband could be the very means God uses to soften his heart toward you and toward Himself.”

Everywhere the word “husband” was inserted I believe that the word “father” could be there as well. God has ordained that fathers are to be the head of the family just as Christ is the head of the Church. (Ephesians 5:23) Personally in my life, my dad has ALWAYS know what was/is best for me. Even though I don’t always realize it, in the end he is always right!

Here are the top three things that I try to remember as a daughter when striving to serve and submit my dad:

1. HELP my Proverbs 31 mom in all her daily tasks of serving my dad and family
2. COMMUNICATE to him that I respect and honor him
3. LISTEN when he gives instruction because he always knows what’s best

Monday, May 18, 2009


Today, I would like to encourage you to take some time to read through different scripture verses on children obeying/being submissive to their parents. If you're a little shocked at what you read, take some time after to pray and ask God to open up your eyes to see where you’ve been sinning against God and your parents.

Proverbs 20:20- “If anyone curses his father or his mother, his lamp will be put out in utter darkness.”

Proverbs 30:17- “The eye that mocks a father and scorns to obey a mother will be picked out by the ravens of the valley and eaten by the vultures.”

Continue looking at God’s plan for the family by reading Ephesians 6:1-4 and Colossians 3:18-21. List the instructions given to each family member. Did you find yourself here? And are you demonstrating a heart devoted to God by obeying God’s instructions to you, or do you need to make some changes? What changes?

Please take some time to look up following scripture verses. What do they teach you about Jesus’ submission to His Father’s will?

Matthew 26:39
Matthew 26:42
John 4:34
John 6:38
John 15:10
Hebrews 10:7

Again, what do you learn from Jesus’ example?

Friday, May 15, 2009

Submitting to Our Parents

Our home and our relationships there are the training ground for submission to all others, including our future submission to our future husbands (Ephesians 5:22).

Elizabeth George says, “Submission is a challenge straight from God to you. It’s a measure of your spiritual maturity. Why? Because no one can make you submit to anyone else. You must choose to do it yourself. Your parents can’t make you, your friends can’t make you, and your youth leader can’t make you. No, you have to decide yourself to submit to your parents. And here’s the shocker—If you aren’t submitting to your parents now, you aren’t submitting to God, and you’ll probably have trouble fulfilling God’s desire for you to submit to your future husband’s leadership. That’s pretty far reaching, isn’t it?”

Next week we’ll dive a little bit deeper into submission. Have a wonderful weekend!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Honoring Your Parents Part 3

Today let’s look at a few more of the little things we can do to train ourselves in the heart and art of submission.

-Your cooperation: Have you ever been in a play, danced in a dance recital, or played on a sports team? As you well know, everyone had to cooperate to make the show the best performance it could be. You all had to be a team, right?

Well, it’s the same way in a family. There are a couple things that God has asked of family’s—to live together in unity (Psalm 133:1) and to glorify God in all things (1 Corinthians 10:31). So here’s how it goes—everything your parents ask you to do, you do with no hesitation. There should never be any room for arguing, and you know what? God rewards a cheerful and obedient heart!

-Your help: Everyone on the face of this earth loves to hear the four little words—“how can I help?” So I encourage you at home and with your parents and family members to constantly be asking, “How can I help?” Because after all “two are always better than one” (Ecclesiastes 4:9)

-Pray, pray, pray:
I cannot emphasize too much on the importance of prayer. It is something that we should be doing all day long—every spare moment we can. If you see your parents struggling with something, pray for them. If they haven’t been getting along with each other, pray for them. If they are stressed, pray for them. We can never pray too much for our parents!

We need to be praying for ourselves too. If you think you don’t like your parents, pray for yourself. If you think what they are asking of you is unfair, pray for yourself. If you think your parents are too strict, pray for yourself.

What should we be asking God? You should pray that He will soften your heart and help you change your attitude, give you help by His grace, ask Him to give you a greater appreciation for your parents, to help you to submit, honor and respect them. Ask God to work not only in your parent’s hearts, but in yours as well.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Honoring Your Parents Part 2

“Children, obey your parents in everything, for this pleases the Lord.” (Colossians 3:20)

Most of the time a heart that submits boils down to paying attention to the little things. What are some of these little things?

-Your Attitude: Your attitude has to do with your moods. And your moods can be right and godly, or they can be sinful. Stop for a minute and think about your attitude. Is it generally cheerful, energetic, helpful, positive, giving, and respectful? Or do you tend to mope around, grunt and grumble, resent your parents, your family, and your responsibilities? Do you seem to be stomping through your days with an irritable attitude?

We need a huge attitude adjustment each and every day. It is crucial to spend time in the Word every morning to prepare our hearts for our day ahead. If we fail to have this all important time with God, we are doomed for the day. And so is everyone else! They better beware, give us a wide path, and stay out of our way! Right?

-Your Room: Have you ever thought about the fact that your room is part of your parents home? Yes, you’re responsible for it, but it’s not yours—it’s theirs (and ultimately God’s). We can honor our parents as we honor their property? Whatever your parents are asking of you in terms of neatness, cleanliness, noise, rules, etc. go the extra mile and do it better, with a cheerful spirit. Just like Jesus said, “If anyone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles.” (Matthew 5:41)

A Heart Check:

1. How would you describe your general attitude around the house? (How do you think your parents would describe it? Your brothers and sisters?)
2. After answering question #1, what specific changes are you going to make?
3. Is there something, anything you can do right this minute to take care of your room? Anything you’ve been neglecting, putting off, or just plain ol’ rebelling against doing? Honor your parents by doing it now!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Honoring Your Parents Part 1

Most of you are aware of God’s commandments. They were spoken by God to Moses, who delivered them to God’s people. They weren’t God’s Ten Suggestions. No, they were God’s Ten Commandments, and one of those commandments states this:

“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving to you.” (Exodus 20:12)

If we desire to honor God and become ones after His own heart, then we must be one’s that follow His commandments and do everything He calls us to do. So dear hearts, you and I are going to honor our fathers and mothers as long as they are alive. It’s one of God’s forever commandments!

Maybe you’re wondering, “What then does it mean to honor my parents?”

Elizabeth George explains it this way, “What does it mean to ‘honor’ parents? Partly, ‘honoring’ means speaking well of them and politely to them. It also means acting in a way that shows them courtesy and respect (but we are not to follow them in acts of disobedience to God). Parents have a special place in God’s sight. Even those who find it difficult to get along with their parents are still commanded to honor them.”

Therefore, to honor your parents as the first commandment states, you also need to obey your parents. It may not always be easy, but such obedience calls for us to have humble hearts...”You, who are younger, be subject to the elders. Clothe yourselves, all of you, with humility toward one another, for ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (1 Peter 5:5)

Not only are children commanded to obey their parents, but there are also commands in the Bible for parents as it pertains to their relationship with their children, for example:

-Parents are commanded by God to teach their children (Deuteronomy 6:7)
-Parents are commanded by God to train their children (Ephesians 6:4)
-Parents are commanded by God to discipline and correct their children (Hebrews 12:7)

When parents discipline it proves their love. When I was younger there were many occasions (in my own sin) I didn’t feel much love, but the Bible says, when a child is left to himself, that child is not loved and will ultimately become heartache to his or her parents.

Check back tomorrow for more on honoring our parents.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Modesty Resources

Below, I've included some excellent resources. Take some time to either listen or read through them. They are all very helpful!

-“The Look: Does God Really Care What I Wear?” By Nancy Leigh
-“The Soul of Modesty” Mp3 Download by C.J. Mahaney
-“Modesty Checklist” This checklist was created by Carolyn Mahaney and her daughters. It is outstanding! Please take some time to go over it with your mom. Maybe it’s time to replace a few items in your closet? Be sure to listen to the advice your mom gives! Be humble! She’s trying to help you! Hang one up in your room (or two if needed.) Prime spots would be: by your bedroom or closet door and on the mirror in your bathroom. You could even post on your wall something as simple as an “Am I dressed modest?” sign. Be sure to go over the modesty checklist every time you step foot outside of your bedroom.

Girls, if you desire to glorify God and protect the eyes of your brothers in Christ, than you should desire to have a modest heart. If dressing immodestly has been a struggle for you, invite people in your life to help you (Mom, dad, sister, brother, or a close friend). God is the first person you should go to! Simply ask Him to help you flee worldly passions and fight to do what is right.

Maybe you still don’t understand the importance of dressing modestly? Well, why don’t you take some time and go over the past five posts again. God is ready and willing to help you!

1. Adorned in Modesty
2. A Humble-Modest Heart
3. Shopping Trips and My Heart
4. Modesty and Self-Control
5. Serving with Willing Hands

Tomorrow we'll begin talking about cultivating a heart that's obedient and submissive.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Serving with Willing Hands

In 1 Timothy 2 Paul also addresses the church beyond a woman’s apparel. He says in verse 10 that “women should adorn themselves…..with what is proper for women who profess godliness- with good works.”

“Good works” are to be what’s most noticeable about a woman who professes godliness. Not our wardrobes, but our good works—an observable lifestyle of serving others. This I believe is the appropriate adornment for women who profess to be Christians. And it is an evidence of the transforming effect of the gospel. It may mean more time sacrificing on behalf of our families and local church.

Janelle Bradshaw writes, “Bringing up children, showing hospitality, caring for the afflicted—these aren’t things the godly woman does one time, like a community service requirement. Good works are what she is giving her life, energy, time, and heart to. Good works are what she is all about.”

Doing good works may mean less applying make-up, styling hair, choosing clothing, and it may mean more time sacrificing on behalf of your family and local church. Our modest clothing can attest to the fact that the gospel has changed out lives. There are opportunities to do good works all around us- in our homes, churches, and communities.

Are good works what you’re all about? Let me encourage you to take a step back and look at all the ways you’ve been serving or where you need to pick up the slack. Please take some time to pray and specifically ask God where He would use you to serve. What are your giftings? ---working with children, organization, administrative skills, decorating, planning events, are you musically gifted? We need to be willing and ready to serve and that may mean doing some work within our hearts first. Writing things out always helps me. Is there a family you know in need of a babysitter or a mom who needs an afternoon off? It doesn’t take much time… Let’s think and then take action! Let us not wait! Let’s seek every opportunity we can to do good works!

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)

Application Questions:
1. What are you consumed with- your clothing or your character?
2. What are you most noticed for- what you wear or your kind deeds?
3. Does your life reflect an observable lifestyle of serving others?

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Modesty and Self-Control

“Women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control.” (1 Timothy 2:9)

All respectable apparel is the result of a godly heart, where modesty and self-control originate. Our wardrobes are a public statement of our personal motivation and convictions. If we have a desire to profess godliness, we should be concerned about cultivating the virtues of modesty and self-control. Our adorning should be: “the hidden person of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. (1 Peter 3:4)”

Today, please take some time to read thought the following quote by C.J. Mahaney. Take some time to evaluate your heart and answer the challenging questions he asks:

“Self-control is, in a word, restraint. Restraint for the purpose of purity; restraint for the purpose of exalting God and not ourselves. Together, these attitudes of modesty and self-control should be the hallmark of the godly woman’s dress. What is the intent of your heart in purchasing clothes to wear? Does a humble heart and a servant’s heart dictate your wardrobe and appearance? Is your shopping informed and governed by modesty and restraint? Or is your dress motivated by a desire for attention and approval from others? Does your style reflect a lack of self-control? There’s an inseparable link between your heart and your clothes. Your clothes say something about your attitude. If they don’t express a heart that is humble, that desires to please God, that longs to serve others, that’s modest, that exercises self-control, then change must begin in the heart.”

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Shopping Trips and My Heart

While it may seem harmless in today’s culture, dressing immodestly is selfish and unloving toward our brothers in Christ. Instead of seeking to serve them by dressing modestly, we are serving ourselves because a lot of time we are craving their attention.

Nicole Whitacre explains it this way, “Modesty is of great importance because it honors God. But it also protects our brothers in Christ from sin. Women are sometimes ignorant of the effect of their bodies on the eyes of men. But for the most part, if we’re honest, we’ll admit we know exactly what we’re doing. As a pastor-friend of ours once said, “guy’s lust and girls want to be lusted after.’”

Growing up, my dad made it clear to all his daughters that immodest dress was not exceptable, simply for the sake of guarding the hearts of our brother’s in Christ. There were numerous shopping days spent at the mall only to result in needing to return quite a few items we came home with. Yes, at times, it was frustrating, but today I am filled with much gratitude for my parents raising me to fear the Lord and protect the eyes of my brothers in Christ.

Richard Baxter so aptly put it, “You must not lay a stumbling-block in their way, nor blow up the fire of their lust…You must walk among sinful persons, as you would do with a candle among straw or gunpowder; or else you may see the flame which you did not foresee, when it is too late to quench it.”

A young lady, named Lauren Eddy has shared what she’s decided to do when shopping for clothes, “I have to say that I hate annual shopping trips right before summer. It is something that I dread! I do struggle with self confidence and the way I look. I have for quite sometime. Not being able to find a swim suit, shorts, t-shirts and many other items that fit correctly has been frustrating! I have learned to trust in God that I will find things that are modest and that fit, all the more to glorify him.”

We need to remember that every time we leave our homes and step foot in a mall that God is already aware of what we’ll find and what we’ll be taking back home with us. You are not alone in the battle to find modest clothing! God walks with you every step of the way and He is glorified in your desire to protect your brothers in Christ by dressing modestly. Praying before shopping is always helpful for me. First, start off by thanking God for all He has provided in previous shopping trips, and then ask Him for help-help to trust Him and a continued desire to glorify God in the clothes you wear. There is no shopping trip that is un-successful when God is the center of your attention! “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his (or her) steps” (Proverbs 16:9)

As Christian women in the church, we can be either a blessing or distraction to our brothers in Christ. C.J. Mahaney shares that “Godly men find modest women attractive. They appreciate women who dress with self-control and restraint. They’re grateful for women who help them fight the temptation to lust.” Though you may not always see or hear it from them, there are numerous young men that are extremely grateful for your pursuit to dress modestly.

Today let’s ask:

What’s most eye-catching about me- my clothing or my character?

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A Humble-Modest Heart

“Women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire.” (1 Timothy 2:9)
What kind of clothes proceed from a humble, modest heart?

“Adorning ourselves with ‘respectable apparel’ doesn’t mean we need to raid our grandmother’s closet. Paul is instructing women to stay away from clothing and accessories that are extravagant, showy, revealing, or sexually enticing. He is encouraging restraint and moderation in dress for the purpose of purity.” –Nicole Whitacre

As we learned last week out of 1 Peter 3:3-4- God tells us that it’s our inward beauty that is more important than our clothing and appearance. Paul is definitely not saying it’s wrong to look nice! He is saying that women need to make sure our outer beauty reflects that God is in our hearts. Elizabeth George says, “A woman cannot claim to fear God and yet disregard what God says about her behavior, appearance, and her ministry.”

We are not to distract others from worshipping God. As C.J. Mahaney has observed “He (Paul) wants the Savior, not seductive style clothing to be the focus of the Church gathering—and indeed the focus of all life. So the real issue wasn’t really braided hair or gold, or pearls, of costly attire. The issue was—and is—clothing that associates with worldly and ungodly values. Clothes that say: ‘look at me’ and ‘I’m with the world.’”

Paul is not prohibiting woman from enhancing their appearance—In fact there are places in scripture where godly woman wore fine clothing and jewelry. For example, the Proverbs 31 woman dressed in colorful and high quality clothing. (Proverbs 31:22)

This might all still be a little new to you. Let me encourage you to ask God to open the eyes of your heart to see where you’ve been failing to glorify God in your wardrobes and ask yourself the question:

What conclusions can I draw and what changes can I make regarding my appearance?

For further study:
-Chapter five from the book “Worldliness” by C.J. Mahaney- “God, My Heart, and Clothes”

Monday, May 4, 2009

Adorned in Modesty

Is modesty a new word for you? Maybe you’ve had a vague idea growing up that modesty is “ugly” or “out of style.” Maybe before now it’s never occurred to you that God has something to say about the clothes you wear. Well, hopefully this week will be helpful for you as we uncover the quality of biblical womanhood and why modesty is so important.

“I desire then, that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarrelling; likewise also that women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly attire, but what is proper for women who profess godliness—with good works.” (Timothy 2:8-10)

Here Paul is addressing that women in the church should not look exactly like the ungodly women in the world. Women in the church are to be different: a light to unbelievers. They should stand out not because of their revealing clothing, but because of their modest heart and dress. As women we are called to dress in a way that is not “distracting” to men in their pursuit to grow in godliness.

Immodesty is more than wearing a short skirt or low cut shirt. Immodesty reveals pride in our hearts, the opposite of humility.

Pastor John MacArthur Says:

“How does a woman discern the sometimes fine line between proper dress and dressing to the center of attention? The answer starts in the intent of the heart. A woman should examine her motives and goals for the way she dresses. Is her intent to show the grace and beauty of womanhood? It is to reveal a humble heart devoted to worshipping God? Or is it to call attention to herself and flaunt her beauty? Or worse, to attempt to lure men sexually? A woman who focuses on worshipping God will consider carefully how she is dressed, because her heart will dictate her wardrobe and appearance.”

Our wardrobes are a public statement of where our hearts are. So what kind of clothes come from a humble modest heart? ...Tomorrow we’ll find out!

Friday, May 1, 2009

Extreme Heart Makeover

A loving God has determined what we look like. He decided how tall we would be, the color of our eyes, and all the unique features that make up our appearance. We can spend the rest of our lives complaining about the results of God’s determination, or we can receive with gratefulness His design, knowing that He does all things for His glory and our good.

David said, “I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps. 139:14). When was the last time you worshipped God for the way He created your body? Anything less than a heart filled with gratitude and praise to God for our physical appearance is sinful and grieves the Lord.

“We must not simply reject the world’s view of beauty, but we must also pursue true beauty as defined by the Bible: the inward beauty of the heart. And this beauty has some serious advantages over the world’s beauty. It lasts longer, works better, and is pleasing to the one whose opinion matters most. So instead of an extreme body makeover, maybe it’s time for an extreme heart makeover. Let’s pursue the feminine beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit.”
–Carolyn Mahaney

The woman who follows God’s beauty regimen will truly become beautiful!

For further Study:
-"True Beauty" MP3 dowload by Carolyn Mahaney

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Ten Question Quiz

Over the past few days we’ve been talking about what true beauty really is. Today I want to know, which beauty have you been going for? Carolyn Mahaney has provided a ten-question quiz to help you determine the truth. Please spend some time with your mom or a close friend to go over them.

1. Do I spend more time in the day caring for my personal appearance than I do in Bible study, prayer, and worship?
2. Do I spend excessive money on clothes, hair, and makeup, or is it an amount that is God-honoring?
3. Do I want to lose weight to “feel better about myself,” or do I desire to be self-disciplined for the glory of God?
4. Am I on a quest for thinness to impress others, or do I seek to cultivate eating habits that honor God?
5. Do I exercise to try and maintain a good figure, or do I desire to strengthen my body for God’s service?
6. Is there anything about my appearance that I wish I could change, or am I grateful to God for the way He made me?
7. Am I jealous of the appearance of other girls, or am I truly glad when I observe girls who are physically more attractive than I?
8. Do I covet the wardrobe of others, or do I genuinely rejoice when other girls are able to afford and purchase new clothing?
9. When I attend an activity, do I sinfully compare myself with others, or do I ask God to show me whom to love and how to do it?
10. Do I ever dress immodestly or with the intent of drawing attention to myself, or do I always dress in a matter that pleases God? (We’ll talk about modesty next week)

If most of your answers were “yes” to more than half of the above questions than it is most likely that you’ve been sinfully craving physical beauty to get attention. Why not spend your time and energy on a beauty that will never fade? Cultivate a trust in God that will draw attention to the beauty of the gospel! God is always eager and willing to help us change! In the pursuit of true beauty, we need to each acknowledge God’s providence and receive with gratefulness the body and appearance He has given us! Are you trusting and thanking God for the body He has given to you (as a gift) for your good and His glory? We have been bought with a price…so let us glorify God through our bodies! (1 Cor. 6:20)