Friday, May 8, 2009

Serving with Willing Hands

In 1 Timothy 2 Paul also addresses the church beyond a woman’s apparel. He says in verse 10 that “women should adorn themselves…..with what is proper for women who profess godliness- with good works.”

“Good works” are to be what’s most noticeable about a woman who professes godliness. Not our wardrobes, but our good works—an observable lifestyle of serving others. This I believe is the appropriate adornment for women who profess to be Christians. And it is an evidence of the transforming effect of the gospel. It may mean more time sacrificing on behalf of our families and local church.

Janelle Bradshaw writes, “Bringing up children, showing hospitality, caring for the afflicted—these aren’t things the godly woman does one time, like a community service requirement. Good works are what she is giving her life, energy, time, and heart to. Good works are what she is all about.”

Doing good works may mean less applying make-up, styling hair, choosing clothing, and it may mean more time sacrificing on behalf of your family and local church. Our modest clothing can attest to the fact that the gospel has changed out lives. There are opportunities to do good works all around us- in our homes, churches, and communities.

Are good works what you’re all about? Let me encourage you to take a step back and look at all the ways you’ve been serving or where you need to pick up the slack. Please take some time to pray and specifically ask God where He would use you to serve. What are your giftings? ---working with children, organization, administrative skills, decorating, planning events, are you musically gifted? We need to be willing and ready to serve and that may mean doing some work within our hearts first. Writing things out always helps me. Is there a family you know in need of a babysitter or a mom who needs an afternoon off? It doesn’t take much time… Let’s think and then take action! Let us not wait! Let’s seek every opportunity we can to do good works!

“And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9)

Application Questions:
1. What are you consumed with- your clothing or your character?
2. What are you most noticed for- what you wear or your kind deeds?
3. Does your life reflect an observable lifestyle of serving others?

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