Tuesday, June 30, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

My mom is a homemaker. I’ve grown up with a living model of someone who utilizes all her gifts and energy to create a home and care for her husband and children. Through scripture, many conversations, and helpful books, mom has helped me to see the noble calling of a homemaker and it’s affect on the world.

Dorothy Patterson elaborates, “Homemaking, if pursued with energy, imagination, and skills, has as much challenge and opportunity, success and failure, growth and expansion, perks and incentives, as any corporation, plus something no other position offers—working for people you love most and want to please the most!”

Through my mother’s example and training, I’ve caught a vision of the importance of my future mission. I know that whether or not I get married or have children, and no matter what other tasks the Lord might have for me, I want to fulfill my biblical calling of being a “keeper of the home.”

Are you catching God’s vision for you? Do you see the value of learning to care about the place where you live? Of learning to do what it takes to care for the place where you live? Take an inventory of your own heart attitude toward that precious place you call home. If you couldn’t care less about the looks of your special place, ask God to perform open-heart surgery in you. Ask Him to open it up and give you a heart that cares.

“I want to warn you that the world will not applaud you. Or worse, they may look down on you or criticize you. I guarantee you there won’t be awards given out for homemakers—at least not in this world. And we probably won’t see the effect right away. But our influence will surely outlast our lives.” –Nicole Whitcre

You don’t have to wait for a future day or time to get started on your mission. Tomorrow we’ll look at some ways to get started.

Today, why don’t you take some time to read through Proverbs 31:10-31 and maybe take some time after to talk about what you read with your mom? I’m sure she is ready and willing to talk! Keep in mind that this passage is not just directed to married women. There are many ways it applies to us!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Future Homemakers

I’m so sorry for my lack of posting last week. This is a very busy season for me. I will try my best to do better this week. Keep checking back. My heart is still eager and willing to serve you girls through this blog. I’m continually grateful for all your friendships.

Over the next couple weeks I’m going to share some thoughts on homemaking. To kick things off, here is a story by Nicole Whitacre out of the book, “girl talk” and a little of my story…

“As a young woman, I often lay in bed at night and wondered about my future. I stared hard into the darkness, as if God had put the answers there. I had a longing to do great things for God. I imagined myself as a missionary in another country, maybe even a nurse, (I assumed my tendency to faint at the sight of blood would not be a problem.) I had visions of speaking to crowds of women, leading many to the gospel. What I didn’t yet understand was that God’s plan for me was greater than what my imagination could compare up. It was also very different than what I thought."

How about you? What are your dreams and aspirations for your future? How do you answer the well-meaning adults who ask about your plans after high school?

I know while I was in high school I would have never imagined that I would be where I am today. (My plan) was graduating and going to school to be an interior decorator, getting married, having kids, and living happily ever after. (God’s plan) was putting the school to rest so I could serve my parents by working for them. No, that wasn’t necessarily what I “planned” but God, in His goodness, already had a plan that far exceeded mine. There have been many challenging obstacles to walk through, but I can say time and time again that God has been faithful through them all, and I am incredibly grateful for every difficult circumstance the Lord has placed in my life. Even though there have been many hardships (and LOTS of tears) to walk through along the way, each of those circumstances have been for my good and God’s glory. I wouldn’t go back and change a thing! I have lots of anticipation for what my future holds, but God has been merciful to teach me not to dwell or become anxious about my future, but to surrender it into His loving hands because He already has mapped out every single step. He’s taught me that He has many good things in store and that they will come in His perfect timing!

It may surprise you to know that God in the Bible has already given you a sneak peak into your future. As woman, we are all appointed to be keepers of the home (Proverbs 31:10-31; 1 Timothy 5:14; Titus 2:5). Someday you may be called to love a husband and bring up children and make a home for them. While you may pursue many other God-honoring tasks of occupations throughout your lifetime, you are also called to be a homemaker.

Check back tomorrow for more!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Cultivate a Hot Heart

Revelation 3:15-16- “I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth.”

It’s pretty obvious, according to this scripture, which heart condition God considers the worst! And it gets even more serious as we think about these facts…

- To be coldhearted means to be unemotional, unconscious of God. Imagine being unemotional about the things of God!
- And to be lukewarm means to be indifferent. Imagine being indifferent toward God!
- We are to be hot-hearted. That means that the heat of your heart reaches a high temperature. That means boiling over! And such high heat is usually paired up with, emotion, excitement, and passion! It’s fiery!

Now, what is your heart’s desire…and your heart’s temperature toward God?

Do you need to be more faithful to set aside time each day to listen to God like Mary did to pray and read your Bible? This can and must be a first priority every day. That’s how we choose the one thing, the good part, that can never be taken away from us. As we choose to sit at the Lord’s feet regularly, we cease to act like Martha—too busy, too bossy, too distracted to listen to the Master and linger with Him and delight in Him.

Now, what will your choice be today, tomorrow, every day? I’m praying for you!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Choose God’s Ways at Every Opportunity

“In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:6)

“Our part is to stop and acknowledge God along the way. God’s part is to direct our paths and make them straight. This means that we are to consult with God regarding our every decision, word, thought, and response. This means that before we move ahead or before we react to someone of something, we need to stop and pray first, ‘God, what would you have me do—think or say—here?’ Don’t you think that this stopping and consulting God before acting (and re-acting) like Martha did would help you and me to make the good, better, and best choices in the situations we confront each day? Don’t you think this habit would look more like Mary?” Elizabeth George

Monday, June 15, 2009

Yes, But How?

Maybe you’re wondering how you can move in the direction of having a heart devoted to God like Mary did. Over the next few days we’re going to consider some different ways that we can.

Choose to spend time with God-- How can you make time in your busy day for the most exciting, most fulfilling relationship in life? For listening to God? For spending time with Him?

Would you be willing to go on a bit of a fast each day, a time fast? Would you be willing to…

…say no to some time watching TV,
…say no to some time on the telephone,
…say no to some time with friends,
…say no to some time on the computer,
…say no to some time in the mall, in order to
…say yes to some time with God?

And now the question is, would you?

Friday, June 12, 2009

What Is a Heart Devoted to God?

"Because Mary was a woman after God’s own heart, her heart was devoted to Him. She was preoccupied with one thing at all times—Him! Mary was obsessed with the Lord. Therefore Mary consistently made one choice, one decision that caused Jesus to speak of her as He did. And what was that one choice? Mary chose to spend time hearing God through His word, and worshipping God in her heart. In other words, Mary chose to spend some of her precious time with the Lord.

Time spent in this way, is the kind of time that is never wasted and can never be taken away from you either (see verse 42). Why? Because it is time spent in eternal pursuits, time that result in both daily and everlasting blessings."

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What Was Wrong?

“Martha was definitely out of control. And that led to her saying things she shouldn’t have said, to blaming others for her awful condition, to bossing everyone around (even Jesus!), to comparing the amount of work she was doing with the amount of work her sister was (or wasn’t!) doing, to complaining, to emoting….Well, I’m sure you get the picture.

But, what was wrong?

Let us once again read through Luke 10:38-14…

“38 Now as they went on their way, Jesus entered a village. And a woman named Martha welcomed him into her house. 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” 41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, 42 but one thing is necessary. Mary has chosen the good portion, which will not be taken away from her.”

As we learn from these two sisters, we mustn’t miss the fact that both of them loved Jesus. Both loved out Lord, and both served Him. But in this scene there was a great difference in their behaviors, which revealed something about what was going on in their hearts at the time.

You see, Mary not only loved serving the Lord, but she loved listening to Him. I mean, the split second Jesus started talking, Mary stopped! Her service came to a screeching halt, and she stopped, set her serving dishes aside, and took a seat at Jesus’ feet. Why? So she could listen to Him—not just do for Him! After all, He had ‘The words of eternal life’” (John 6:68)

So our dear Mary demonstrated a heart devoted to God by hearing His words and by worshipping Him. She was obsessed with Jesus! And here’s another point we don’t want to miss. Surely Mary did her work. But Mary made sure her choices gained her the all-important time she needed to take care of devotion and commitment to God. Yes, hers was a devoted heart to God!"

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What Happened?

“What happened to put Martha over the edge? In a few words, Jesus and His disciples were coming to her house. Wow! Now that should have been the best day of Martha’s life! But Martha went into a tailspin. Why? Because Martha got too involved in the activities of her life—activities like…

serving Jesus and
working for Jesus.

And in all her serving and working, Martha failed to just…

stop and enjoy Jesus and
worship Him.

And how did Martha’s busyness and the neglect of her spiritual life show? You guessed it—she got nervous…fidgety…on edge…cranky. And then she fell apart and loss control. Not only was Martha stomping through her day but she was stomping through the kitchen, the dining room, and the family room. She even lashed out at her younger sister, Mary. And then (horror of horrors) she lashed out at Jesus!”

Does this sound anything like you? Sadly, I know I’ve had the attitude Martha had many times! Do you get too wrapped up in the busyness of life and forget to stop and take time to sit at the Lord’s feet?

Check back tomorrow for more!

Monday, June 8, 2009

A Heart Devoted to God

This week we’ll be talking about what it looks like to have a heart devoted to God. Out of her book, “A Young Woman After God Own Heart” Elizabeth George shares about the story of Martha. I pray her story encourages you! Most of what will be shared this week will be pulled from the chapter “A Heart devoted to God” out of Elizabeth George’s book “A Young Woman After God’s Own Heart.”

“Have you ever felt nervous…fidgety….on edge…..cranky? Sort of like your life was falling apart and you were losing control? And even though you knew it and didn’t want to act the way you were, you kept on stomping through your day, lashing out at anybody and everybody who crossed your path—you parents, your brother or sister, your friends? Well, my friend, you are not alone! This happened to a woman in the Bible—a woman just like you and me—who got too worked up. In fact, she was a wreck! Her name is Martha, and Martha was a friend of Jesus.”... To be continued tomorrow

Today, I would like to encourage you to open up your Bible and read Luke 10:38-42. After reading, ask yourself the questions, what did I learn from this passage? And How can I apply it to my life?

Friday, June 5, 2009

A Biblical Friend Loves

“A friend loves at all times” (Proverbs 17:17)

Today, I want to focus on loving our siblings. There are many ways we can show concern and demonstrate a heart of love when it comes to our family members. The following are a few ways you can grow in your relationships with your brothers and sisters, whether older or younger. Take some time to read through them, and then ask yourself if you’ve been actively pursuing relationships with your siblings in a biblical form.

Respect one another
—when you show respect for the territory, room, possessions, and privacy of another person your relationship with that person will grow tremendously.

Listen to one another—In any friendship, communication is key! You know how it is with a best friend—you could talk to them for hours…which means most of the time you are listening! Make it your goal to make better communication skills between your family members. Listening is a large part of communication. So reach out and get creative! Set up a regular coke date with your sibling. Talk, share, ask questions, catch up! And don’t be surprised if they come to you with their problems and ask you to please pray with them!

Share with one another
—When I say share with one another, I don’t mean clothes and things. Share with one another what God’s been doing in your life or things He’s laying on your heart. And while you’re at it, take time to share the truths and verses your learning from the Bible. You never know when the verse you passed on verbally or in a written note will be just what they needed to get through a rough day!

Pray for one another
—You simply cannot pray for your brothers and sisters enough! And remember, too, that when you pray for others, God changes your heart, gives you His love and wisdom, and many times moves in the hearts your praying for.

Encourage one another—Everyone can use encouragement! Yes, everyone can use a friendly word of encouragement from a sister who comes alongside them with cheerfulness. Everyone can use a “Way to go! Your doing great! Hang in there! I’m so glad you’re my sister!” And don’t forget to encourage one another in the Lord!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

A Biblical Friend Encourages

“But exhort one another everyday, as long as it is called ‘today’” (Hebrews 3:13)

When was the last time you made an effort to encourage one of your friends? Encouragement is something that lacks within many friendships and it’s also something that builds friendships.

The friendships I’ve been sharing about are not necessarily just friends from school, church, or the next door neighbor. There are a few other friendships that we should consider. How is your relationship with your mom and sisters? Would you call yourselves best friends? If your mom or older sister is a godly example in your life than these two people should most definitely be your best friends! Do you have a younger sister? I can guarantee that your little sister is dying to have some one on one time with big sis. When is the last time you hung out together? Are you setting a godly example for her? They are watching your every move!

Why not take some time today to consider ways you can encourage someone. Have you recently noticed an evidence of grace in one of your friend's life? Let's make a list of our friends and think of ways to encourage them. Now, I’m not talking about your best friend from kinder garden who you’ve barely talked to in ten years. Think about the friends in your life who have been means of grace to you! It doesn’t take long! Just send them a quick e-mail/note, give them a call, or even the next time you see them you can tell them in person! Make sure you don’t leave out the boys! Think of ways to encourage your dad, brothers, or maybe even a young man in the church (make sure you use discretion on this one. You may want to consider running your encouraging words by your mom or dad before. Simply because we want to be careful with our words when communicating to guys)

Ephesians 4:29- “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear."

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

A Friend Who Fears the Lord

In Ecclesiastes 4:9-10 God declares, “Two are better than one…For if they fall, one will lift up his fellow. But woe to him who is alone when he falls and has not another to lift him up!” What is God teaching here? For one, He is teaching that friends are not optional! They are essential!

It’s not simply friends that are necessary to have, but godly friends. The Bible gets specific about what kind of friends we should have—and whom we should avoid.

***A biblical friend fears the Lord. “I am a companion of all who fear you, of those who keep your precepts. (Psalm 119:63)

The kind of friend that fears the Lord is one that realizes the consequences of sins. They have a fear of God in them and desire to bring Him glory in all things. A God fearing friend will also encourage you in your pursuit of fearing the Lord. Fear of man is something that hinders spiritual relationships from growing. If we’re fearing what other’s think of us, we’re most likely avoiding bringing observations of sin or being faithful to hold our friend accountable.

Recently on the blog “A Cup of Grace” (run by a few ladies from my church) they went through a series on being our sister’s keeper. A list of questions were provided that I found to be very helpful. Please read through them and evaluate your own life. Are you being faithful to be your sister’s keeper?

• Am I willing? Am I willing to be yoked together with others? Am I willing to help my sister’s in their struggles against sin? Am I willing to wash their feet?
• How can these truths affect your friendships with others and what will change look like?
• What typically hinders you from freely talking about your own sin and helping others with their sin, and how has this pattern negatively affected your relationships?

Monday, June 1, 2009

Sorry For the Delay

Well, I thought I would be posting today, but it didn’t happen…I’ve been incredibly busy lately. This week we’re going to be looking at what it’s like to be a biblical friend. Lord willing there will be a post to read tomorrow titled, “A Biblical Friend Fears the Lord.”