Tuesday, June 9, 2009

What Happened?

“What happened to put Martha over the edge? In a few words, Jesus and His disciples were coming to her house. Wow! Now that should have been the best day of Martha’s life! But Martha went into a tailspin. Why? Because Martha got too involved in the activities of her life—activities like…

serving Jesus and
working for Jesus.

And in all her serving and working, Martha failed to just…

stop and enjoy Jesus and
worship Him.

And how did Martha’s busyness and the neglect of her spiritual life show? You guessed it—she got nervous…fidgety…on edge…cranky. And then she fell apart and loss control. Not only was Martha stomping through her day but she was stomping through the kitchen, the dining room, and the family room. She even lashed out at her younger sister, Mary. And then (horror of horrors) she lashed out at Jesus!”

Does this sound anything like you? Sadly, I know I’ve had the attitude Martha had many times! Do you get too wrapped up in the busyness of life and forget to stop and take time to sit at the Lord’s feet?

Check back tomorrow for more!

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