“Women should adorn themselves in respectable apparel, with modesty and self-control.” (1 Timothy 2:9)
All respectable apparel is the result of a godly heart, where modesty and self-control originate. Our wardrobes are a public statement of our personal motivation and convictions. If we have a desire to profess godliness, we should be concerned about cultivating the virtues of modesty and self-control. Our adorning should be: “the hidden person of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious. (1 Peter 3:4)”
Today, please take some time to read thought the following quote by C.J. Mahaney. Take some time to evaluate your heart and answer the challenging questions he asks:
“Self-control is, in a word, restraint. Restraint for the purpose of purity; restraint for the purpose of exalting God and not ourselves. Together, these attitudes of modesty and self-control should be the hallmark of the godly woman’s dress. What is the intent of your heart in purchasing clothes to wear? Does a humble heart and a servant’s heart dictate your wardrobe and appearance? Is your shopping informed and governed by modesty and restraint? Or is your dress motivated by a desire for attention and approval from others? Does your style reflect a lack of self-control? There’s an inseparable link between your heart and your clothes. Your clothes say something about your attitude. If they don’t express a heart that is humble, that desires to please God, that longs to serve others, that’s modest, that exercises self-control, then change must begin in the heart.”
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