Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Becoming Keeper's of The Home

“Girls often spend years of intensive study for other professions and yet are completely unprepared to assume the career of homemaking. Young women tend to assume that homemaking doesn’t require any advanced skills or preparation. It’s similar to what a sixth grader might think about a test concerning sixth grade material: What’s there to study? But the truth is that homemaking involves so much more than just cleaning a house. The commands to love, follow, and help a husband, to raise children for the glory of God, and to manage a home encompasses a vast responsibility. Homemaking requires an extremely diverse array of skills—everything from management abilities, to knowledge of health and nutrition, to interior decorating capabilities, to childhood maker, then you must study these subjects and many more. For the majority of you who may be married someday, you will be called to support a husband and together to lead and train your children in godliness. And your home is to be a place from which the gospel goes forth. So homemaking is a career that demands considerable expertise, may encompass decades of our lives, and has the potential to spread the gospel to our families, churches, and communities, and future generations. Now that’s a career preparing for, wouldn’t you say?” -Carolyn Mahaney

Girls, now is the time to take action! Learning to become a keeper of the home will not happen over night. So let’s consider some ways we can:

1. Ask your mom to help you. In fact, there is instruction in scripture out of Titus 2 that older women (your mom) are to train up the younger women (us), and our job as daughters is to receive their training and apply it to our lives.

2. Ask how you can help your mom? What are things she’s needing help with around the house (apart from your normal household chores)? Dinner prep, vacuuming, dusting, laundry? Help with your little siblings? Ask her if you can take on more tasks around the house! Don’t wait for her to ask you! Does she constantly have to be on your case about the state of your bedroom? If so, let me encourage you to plan some time every day to tidy it up! Over many years it has become a joy to help my mom with daily tasks. Anything from cooking with her to organizing/decorating an entire room. These are wonderful times to talk about anything!

Of course it is not wrong to study for another career, in addition to preparing for homemaking. However, the point is that we must not pursue another career to the neglect of training to be a homemaker. God has called us to be keepers of the home.

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